Starbucks  Medicine Ball Tea Recipe

Medicine Ball Tea

Medicine Ball Tea was a Starbucks secret menu drink that became so popular that it made it onto the Starbucks official menu under the new name Honey Citrus Mint Tea.

The cold-buster

The Medicine Ball Tea is also known as a cold buster since it's hailed as a cure-all from hardcore fans of the drink. If you're feeling under the weather, give this drink a try!

Starbucks secret menu

Secret menu items are modified drinks from the official menu.  Starbucks baristas aren't trained to make them, so instead of ordering a Medicine Ball Tea, ask for the Honey Citrus Mint Tea, which is on the official menu.

What does it taste like?

It tastes like a sweet peach and lemon flavored tea with a touch of mint.

Make it at home!

It's really easy to make a copycat Medicine Ball Tea at home, using the same ingredients used at Starbucks.


Brew tea in lemonade and water, add honey, and pour into a mug.

Get detailed ingredients, steps, and tips to make Medicine Ball Tea at home!